List of Chapters

  • Foreword
  • The Kingdom of God and the Kingdom of Man
  • The “Great Between”
  • Utopia
  • The Eclipse of Reality
  • Declaring Independence
  • Separate and Equal Stations
  • “In the Name of God. Amen”
  • What is Natural Law?
  • Independence, Mutual Recognition and “a more perfect Union”
  • A Bill of Rights and Powers
  • The Song of the Sirens, a Bill of Rights and slavery
  • America’s “Exceptionalism”
  • War between the American States
  • The State of Nature and the State of Society
  • Defining “Property”
  • There and there only
  • Securing and defending Man’s unalienable rights
  • “Volatilizing” the death of 50.000 civilians
  • The “proposition” that all men are created equal
  • Simple and Great Ideas
  • The Slippery Slope
  • Lincoln, Pericles and a “Portion of that Field”
  • The “American Nation” as Rhetorical Instrument
  • The Idea and its Realization by “time and events”
  • Gloryfying and Certifying Insanity
  • The Abyss
  • What was “it”? What is “it”?
  • The Right to be Let Alone and Happiness
  • The Self-evident Truths and a Wall of Separation
  • The First Amendment, an “Impenetrable Wall”?
  • Quod Deus Dicitur …? “I am” !!!
  • Fides, Intellectus and Voluntas
  • The Krankheit des Geistes
  • What was it that God was said to be?
  • A Bang too Big to Fail
  • The Big Bang of Man’s Origin
  • Cause, Creation, Logos and Beginning
  • Creation, Causality, Logos and Voluntas
  • The Rebel and the Questioner
  • Intellectus in Search of Fides
  • The “Geist”, Revolutions and “l’État
  • Homo Homini Deus … the God of Man is Man Himself
  • The Fate of the Führer and his “pure sacred cause”
  • Beethoven and Europe’s “Selbstüberwindung
  • The Scorcerers of the 19th Century
  • The Ideology of Scientism
  • Man as DNA-Machine
  • Germ-plasm, DNA and Darwin’s Burka
  • The Perfecting of Man
  • The 14th Amendment and Eugenics
  • Sterilization, Vaccination and the Common Good
  • What Buck and Roe have in common
  • Voluntary Abortion is good for Business
  • Deconstructing the medical profession and “Ballastexistenz
  • The Moral Substance of Society
  • What is Life?
  • A legal definition of “human embryo”
  • Legislating “Roetopia” from the Bench
  • Foreknowing and Predestining “Complex Chunks of Rock”
  • The Firstborn’s name is “Son of God”
  • Ego eimi
  • Man’s Free Will
  • Metanoia
  • One-ness, Love and Faith
  • “Faithful and True”
  • Pneumapathology – The Deconstruction of Man
  • Modern Man and the Image of God
  • The Four Riders and their Horses
  • Pharisees and the Son of God
  • Who knows?
  • God is Love
  • The Murderers of God
  • Unalienable rights
  • Human Rights and Freedom of Choice
  • The Rule of Law
  • The Deconstruction of Liberty
  • The Forgotten Man and the Übermensch
  • The Negative Way
  • Creating ex nihilo by the way of the Word
  • The Libido Liberandi
  • Conscience is the most sacred property
  • “Words, words, words”
  • In God’s Image
  • What was it you were reading?

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