Liberating Liberty / First Chapter
The Kingdom of God and the Kingdom of Man
In 1776, the American colonists unanimously proclaimed that their quest for independence from the British empire found its profoundest origin in rights endowed to them by their Creator, by the Creator of Man. Obviously, their consciousness must have ranged from the attentive sense perception necessary to survive in often barren and unexplored natural circumstances to an equally attentive participation in their Creator’s Divine Ground of Being. Their quest for political independence was intimately interwoven with their quest for the truth of a reality that encompassed God and Man, the timeless Beyond and the tangible Here & Now. In their Declaration of Independence, they frankly and forthrightly defined as the Creator of Man’s endowment the gift of certain unalienable rights, among them the right to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.
From the words they used in their Declaration, we may conclude that it was their firm and unshakable understanding that their Creator had not demanded anything in return for the endowment. Nothing remained due, except that the gift had to be secured among its recipients and the powers of the earth. For this specific purpose, they founded an independent “station”, separate from and equal to others, where they might peacefully live out the endowment. Surely, this was a station created by Men for Man, but these Men were conscious of their divine descent and the equally divine origin of their endowment. When, more than a decade after the signing of the Declaration, their own Federal Government had begun to assume the status of a “power of the earth”, these Men thought it wise to secure the endowment vis à vis this Government as well, even though the Declaration provided in no uncertain terms that their Government derived its just powers from them, the governed, for the specific purpose of securing the endowment. So, they articulated, enumerated and enshrined their fundamental freedoms in a Bill of Rights, just to make sure that even their own Federal Government would never usurp or interfere with their sacred endowment.
Not in their wildest dreams could the late 18th century Americans have foreseen that, in the years following the founding of their States and their States’ Confederation, on the Continent they had left, a variegated herd of “enlightened” thinkers, philosophers and “savants” would stand up to lay out concrete plans for the radical destruction of their “station” and more in particular their endowment. This destruction would not be accomplished by the military, economic or financial means traditionally applied among the powers of the earth. The ex-colonists’ new powers had grown strong and resilient enough to defend and maintain their new separate and equal station in the course of human events. The destruction would be accomplished in a more insidious and indirect manner. It would be carried out by murdering the Creator of Man and, by doing so, demolishing His Kingdom, the Kingdom of God. Although the Regicide was carried out to install the “Overman”, the “Übermensch”, on the throne of Creation, the murder left Man, including the Übermensch himself, without God’s Kingdom, which, as Christ told us, can be found “within you”. Since the place where the Kingdom of God is located in Man is also the place of residence of the Soul of Man, the human soul had to be eradicated and destroyed as well. This is how the Regicide could not be accomplished by the Übermensch without simultaneously committing spiritual suicide.
The War against God cannot be waged without waging War against the human Soul, against Man as the spiritual being who is the recipient of the unalienable rights his Creator endowed him with. When Man substitutes God for himself, he inevitably and invariably forfeits his Manhood. The War against God and Man’s soul was not launched in secrecy or in some back alley. It was a mainstreet event, broadly, explicitly and often bombastically described and victoriously celebrated. At the scene of the crime the murderers carefully erased all traces and remains of the Kingdom of God, so that it could serve as “Ground Zero” for the founding and organization of the Kingdom of Man Without a Soul. Of course, the festivities included the perversion, corruption and usurpation of the God-given unalienable rights by redefining them as perfectly alienable Government-given entitlements. The substitution of God’s for Man’s Kingdom was explained as the inevitable course of events in the history of mankind. An enlightened humanity written large as the “Grand-être” and “masse totale” would now reach its complete fulfillment by practicing the disciplines of the “Religion de l’Humanité”. Man would finally become Übermensch. In the realms of the Kingdom of Man, the self-anointed high priests of the Religion of Humanity crowned themselves as the keepers of the gates and as the guardians of the terms and terminology that would give access to the vaults where they kept their “gnosis”, their unquestionable knowledge and profound wisdom. Such, of course, to the strict exclusion of the unelected and uninitiated members of the “masse totale”. From now on, it would be mankind’s fate to live out the priests’ idiosyncratic dreams and Second Realities. The priests knew very well that they could only preserve the Kingdom of Man if they could also control every aspect of Man’s common reality. Objections or resistance to the self-anointed ones’ projects or the failure to promptly realize their dreamworlds in what remained a stubborn reality would unleash and fuel their libido dominandi, the unmitigated display of arrogance, hatred, anger, coercion and their unquenchable will to power.