Where Liberating liberty begins …

The history of Liberating liberty commenced in 2014, when, in September 2014, in Cambridge (Maryland), I had the honor and privilege of giving a keynote address to a large audience celebrating the Sacred Fire of Liberty event organized by Constitutional lawyer Jonathan Emord’s law firm Emord & Associates on the occasion of its 20th Anniversary. Now, 10 years later, and after 18 months of campaigning for the U.S. Senate to “save Virginia and save America”, Jonathan Emord will again move to the courts his fight to keep the “Sacred Fire of Liberty” burning by resuming his work as managing principal of his law firm and his constitutional law practice. In addition to this, Emord also accepted his appointment as member of the Alliance for Natural Health‘s (ANH/USA) Board of Directors and as the organization’s new General Counsel. In the latter capacity, he will “spearhead litigation for the group against federal government agencies that deprive Americans of their rights to health freedom”. ([i])

Liberty Education

Broaching the work at hand in an hour-long video-conversation, Emord explained to ANH’s founder, Executive & Scientific Director, Robert Verkerk that fighting and winning legal battles won’t be enough to defend our unalienable rights and fundamental freedoms against suppression. ([ii]) While affirming that these rights “come from God”, Emord stated that “the approach” to effectively protect them against being suppressed by what he defines as “Authoritarians” is “in one part an education … that used to be based on the Founding Principles.” […] “At root,” so Emord, “people need to understand that in order for us to evolve, innovate, have a better standard of living and overcome new challenges like new disease, there is only one way that is possible and that is through a wide open, robust, free speech environment in which all individuals who have anything to contribute, or think they do, are given an opportunity to communicate and are allowed to participate in an unrestricted environment of debate and that [this] in term leads to discovering hidden secrets that are the answers to most of these problems. We can always overcome obstacles that confront us if we’re free enough to do it.”

Accepting self-evident truths as … true

If, as Jonathan Emord so strongly suggests, Liberty Education must again be based on the Founding Principles, then the first and foremost “lesson” of that curriculum must inevitably concern the concisely worded Principles laid down in the Preamble of the Declaration of Independence: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.” This is precisely what, “at root”, people need to understand and … unconditionally accept as self-evident truths. All knowledge gained in Liberty Education will eventually “fall by the wayside” unless the “student” agrees without any reservation that it is true that God does exist and that, as a consequence, it is equally true that He, the Creator of Man, is the source of Man’s unalienable rights. If this truth is not acknowledged and understood as truth, i.e. if rights do not come from God, they will automatically come from …. Men, and in that case, rights become bones of contention in the ensuing “war of all against all”.

Liberty is a sacred right

In other words, before engaging in the study of all the legal, political and societal issues that must be addressed in keeping Man’s unalienable rights safe from being suppressed by governments and their acolytes, the “student” who wants to learn Liberating Liberty must first of all succeed in becoming aware of the truth that Man is a spiritual being, who was endowed with Liberty by his Creator as He created Man in His own Image. This concept rests upon the self-evident truth that Liberty as such cannot be “shared” as if it were an alienable “good”. It is a right that cannot be endowed by one Man to another Man, for the simple reason that it already belongs to each and every Man. It’s unalienability stems from the fact that all Men already partake in the infinite and divine Liberty that “permitted” their Creation and that is now required to pursue Happiness by overcoming obstacles in an “unrestricted environment of debate”. Liberty is not an entitlement that can be given and taken at will by governments. Governments are instituted among Men to secure their Liberty.

Man’s pursuit of Happiness

Because Man is a spiritual being, Liberty is not a human right, but a sacred one. Sure enough, in what the Founders described as “the course of human events”, Liberty can be suppressed, especially by corrupt and corrupted governments that grossly abuse their “just powers” against the consent of the governed. But it can never be destroyed. The totalitarian enemies of Liberty can only succeed in completely suppressing it by continously attacking, impairing, undermining and taunting Man’s awareness of himself as a spiritual being. Which is why the principal obstacle that confronts Man in his pursuit of Happiness is his agreement with the falsehood that Man is no more than one of the many outcomes of an evolutionary process in which only the fittest will survive. Wherefore any serious attempt to Liberate liberty from its shackles must begin with becoming fully aware of the truth that Man is a spiritual being.

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[i] ANH Press Release / 18 August 2024; ANH Appoints FDA Dragon Slayer as General Counsel; https://anh-usa.org/anh-appoints-fda-dragon-slayer-as-general-counsel/

[ii] Conversation between Jonathan Emord, Esq. and Dr. Robert Verkerk; https://rumble.com/v5awxn6-anh-usa-newly-appointed-general-counsel-jonathan-emord-in-conversation-with.html